

Yesumathi’s Quest to Financial Freedom

Torn between her dreams and the responsibilities to help her family, Yesumathi, a computer graduate slowly withdrew into solitude, her spirits dampened by the weight of unfulfilled dreams. With her enrollment in the Life Skills program, Yesumathi learned important skills like financial literacy, communication and computer proficiency and today, she not only takes care of herself but also supports her family financially. Yesumathi is currently employed as a PC assistant in the Dean’s Office of a government hospital.


Since she was little, Yesumathi saw how hard her dad worked as a fisherman, to support the family. Her mom worked just as hard, managing the house and cleaning at an IT company. Despite her family's economic background and limitations, Yesumathi harbored ambitions beyond her immediate circumstances, she dreamed of doing more...

She had finished her computer degree and wanted to do post-graduation, but Yesumathi's mother, recognizing the financial strain on their family, urged her daughter to take a job and contribute financially. Yesumathi felt torn between her dreams and helping her family. Once a vibrant presence in her home, she slowly withdrew into solitude, her spirits dampened by the weight of unfulfilled dreams.

She got to know about the Life Skills program at Salesian Sisters Career Connect Centre, Chennai from someone and realised that the program could be a lifeline to her aspirations.

“I learned about the Life Skills program through a referral, and when I asked for my mother’s permission to attend, she enquired where it was and why. After I explained the need for upskilling and computer and Communication skills, which would improve my job opportunities, she permitted me to join the course.”

Yesumathi was scared when she started the program. Day by day, she immersed herself in the curriculum, tackling tasks that honed her communication and computer proficiency. The skills acquired through the program proved transformative, paving the way for Yesumathi's employment as a PC assistant in the Dean's Office of a government hospital.

With Yesumathi's newfound stability, her home flourished with newfound joy. Yesumathi's earnings provided crucial support to her family, alleviating the financial strain that once burdened them.

“With my earnings, I am now supporting my family financially. I am also looking at more courses to up-skill while I am doing my current job. Usually, women are considered weak, emotional and not brave but as a woman, I am going to work on my own and not feel that women are weak.”

In a society that often underestimates the strength and resilience of women, Yesumathi's journey stands as a testament to their unwavering fortitude. Through determination and perseverance, she defied expectations, carving her path towards success and proving that resilience knows no bounds.

Yesumathi D

Alumni, Salesian Sisters Career Connect Centre, Chennai

With my earnings, I am now supporting my family financially.