Life and Work Skills for Youth in Industrial Training Institutes
Over the past 5 years, Quest has worked with a vast network of Industrial Training Institutes and Polytechnics which provide 1 to 3 year technical training courses to youth in various trades.
Quest commenced work with ITIs as part of the Equip Youth initiative, supported by the International Youth Foundation and the Caterpillar Foundation, in 2013.
Over the years, Quest has enhanced its offering to ITIs and Polytechnics and now provides learning material and tools on career development and planning, building professional networks, communicative English and digital literacy skills for students.
Quest also builds the capacity of teaching faculty in these institutes with dedicated, residential workshops and the transfer of blended learning material, classroom engagement tools and games.
Industry exposure for students is also a big focus area, with Quest teams across states providing support to these institutes to build their networks with local employers and industry.
- Equip Youth in partnership with IYF and the Caterpillar Foundation
- Skills to Succeed for ITIs in partnership with Accenture
- Career Development for ITIs in partnership with Godrej
- Youth Employment Initiative and Cisco Networking Academy for ITIs in partnership with Cisco
- Disha to create employment opportunities for women in India through ITIs and Polytechnics in partnership with UNDP
- Quest now works with over 150 ITIs and Polytechnics across 25 states in India.
- We have provided training and support to over 500 ITI faculty, equipping them with blended learning and career development tools.
- Over 30,000 ITI students have received access to Quest training materials and tools.
- Partnerships with state governments and the DET have been inked in Delhi, Karnataka, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
Going forward, Quest aims to further expand its footprint with the ITI network through more government partnerships and agreements with large ITI networks across India:
- Workplace Readiness Skills for a better professional attitude
- Career progression and growth for more informed placement choices by students
- Communication Skills for higher self esteem
- Life Skills for increased self-confidence
- The creation of employees who understand responsibilities, are disciplined, and stay long enough to grow in their jobs
- Youth trained -
- % youth placed -
- Trainers trained -
- Centers -
- Partners -