
Improving Agency, Education and Employability of Adolescent Girls in Jharkhand

At its core, the project aims to improve enrolment and retention of 70,000 girls in secondary schools to ensure that they are educated, healthy and empowered to make positive life choices.


With a special focus on adolescent girls, this new project has four primary objectives – encourage completion of secondary education, delay age of marriage, delay age of first pregnancy, and increase agency. The participants, often from remote districts of Jharkhand, have been trained as school facilitators and youth champions, motivating many along the way.

Quest will work with a 3 pronged strategy:

School facilitators support the Girl Champions to run the youth club. We organize community meetings in each village before starting a youth club to help us understand community’s challenges, set expectations, get them on-board to this long-term commitment.

We have partnered with two other organizations - NEEDS and Chetna Vikas -- who have an extensive experience of working with the communities in Jharkhand's Deoghar district.

This project is also part of the Ab Meri Bari campaign. The campaign aims to put adolescents at the forefront and empower them to run and lead the campaign to highlight and raise awareness on a range of issues like health, education, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, through gathering data, hosting and participating in events and engaging with government representatives and the media. The campaign is a collaborative effort by led by Dasra along with implementing organizations in Jharkhand and Rajasthan.



  • 1,155 Villages
  • 371Schools
  • 135Youth clubs
  • 2,887Out-of-school adolescent girls
  • 25,040 In-school adolescent girls
  • 135Youth champions
  • 38Model Schools
