
Our publications are products of inter-disciplinary conferences, workshops and spaces we create in the areas of education and employability to learn, innovate and make an impact upon learners and educators alike.

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Research Study - Research Studies

Equity in Action: Insights from a five-year-long intervention with women in education and skilling

Adolescent girls and young women in India are faced with multiple barriers and disadvantages that manifest themselves early on both at home and in public spheres. These culminate in adolescent girls and young women having limited agency and decision making ability about aspects of their own lives, in low female labour force participation as well as unequal representation in public life and spaces. To address the gender disadvantages, Quest Alliance has adopted the following strategies in its program design. 



- Research Studies

From Anxiety To Hope: Building Emancipatory Climate Futures Literacy in Young People

With the future being uncertain the importance of Futures Literacy as a skill for young people becomes all the more important. We look at the implications of this and how this skill can be inculcated in our youth. This report introduces a pedagogy of hope in the climate crisis.



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